About The Gold Author

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Gold Author

The Author Unveil Layers Of Captivating Poetry.

Rest your mind in quiet ease, author Dervon Johnson invites you on a poetic journey through life in ‘Voices in the Sunset,’ a collection that reflects the depths of human emotion and the beauty of language.

A student of Biblical Theology, featured inventor of “Relay Conquest” educational board game on the “Smile Jamaica TV show,” entrepreneur and puzzle designer, Dervon Johnson draws inspiration from the unstudied brush of life traversing between spirit and time with tales that have shaped a unique perspective reflected in the verses of ‘Voices in the Sunset.’

With a passion for poetry ignited in 2007, Dervon Johnson has embarked on a literary journey, exploring the delicate interplay of words and emotions interwoven with his renown mentally stimulating game. ‘Voices in the Sunset’ is a culmination of introspection, artistic expression and puzzles.

Influenced by the works of Claude McKay, Louise Bennett-Coverley and Mutabaruka, Dervon Johnson brings a blend of dynamism to the pages of ‘Voices in the Sunset,’ creating a tapestry of evocative language and poignant imagery.

Beyond the written word, Dervon Johnson finds solace in prayer, art and nature, grounding the ethereal beauty of poetry in the tangible experiences of everyday life.     

With ‘Voices in the Sunset,’ Dervon Johnson invites readers to share in the profound beauty of language and emotion while indulging in a delightful puzzle treat. Thank you for joining this poetic journey, and may the verses within these pages echo in your heart long after the sunset has faded.

May the light of poetry cradle your heart to give you warmth when the world around you becomes too cold for comfort. Take your dance in the light when all around you darkness arose. Keep close the pen that writes, may its ink and verses written never fade upon your heart.


Voices in the Sunset book cover display

Featured Book: Voices In The Sunset

Book Details

Language: English

Format: Soft Cover

Dimension: 6 X 9

Page Count: 104

ISBN : 9781425161705

About The Gold Author’s Book “Voices In The Sunset.”

“Voices in the Sunset” invites you on a poetic journey through the emotions that paint the canvas of life. This compilation, a fusion of traditional forms and contemporary flair, captures the fleeting beauty of nature, the complexities of love, and the introspective echoes that linger in the fading light. As the sun sets, each poem in this collection becomes a melodic reflection, offering readers a timeless exploration of the universal human experience. This anthology is best enjoyed under the category of “Contemporary Poetry,” where words weave a tapestry that lingers in the heart long after the sunset has surrendered to the night.

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